BATR Déjà vu

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Déjà vu - Strappado Wrack - Time for the Second American Revolution

For well over the last decade BATR has argued that the Republic is dead. Now that the Supreme Court has rendered their decision on Obamacare, there can be no doubt that the funeral for a nation, born out of a revolution for liberty, is over. The country, buried in the ashes of totalitarian despotism, is now history.

The plurality of citizens naively accepts that the national government has legitimacy. Such a claim is erroneous. What more proof does one need that slavery is the official status for the American public. The implication of affirming the health insurance mandate sets the precedent for and escalates an unlimited federal tyranny.

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Déjà vu - View from the Mount - What Memorial Day Do You Honor?

Many accounts will praise the sacrifices and deeds of those who fought in the American wars. Some versions will emotionally express their thanks and respect, while others will list their heroic actions. There is another viewpoint that seldom gets the attention that it deserves. Simply put, what is the true reason that all this blood was shed and the meaning of continued torment that follows, when the guns are silenced? Some will say, we just need to revere those who served. Others may dare to ask, why and what for? 

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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Déjà vu - Global Gulag - The New Deal built the New World Order

When a nations fails to learn the true history of its past, the people are doomed to reside within a fairy tale of delusions. Once that deception becomes ingrained into the popular culture, the task of the tyrant simplifies. How soon the country is transformed into a civic ordeal and betrayal of principle and heritage. Then, the masses cling to the big lie as fact; the new gospel for the social order becomes transformed into a somber reality. Finally, only the very few question its veracity.

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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Déjà vu - View from the Mount - The Game Politicians Play

The career political class is the quintessential predatory clique. If you remember and understand any aspect about politics, let it be the nature of the people who devote their lives to a band of thieves. Forget about the seeming dissimilarities in ideology, the political culture maintains a common conduct. Ignore the rhetoric that resembles opposing viewpoints, the club of controllers protect each other. And if you ever believed in heroes and are still waiting for a savior, your disappointment will eventually turn into despair. What sustains the process of government is the deception of its vice and the refusal of the public to admit that the game never changes. 

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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Déjà vu - Inherent Autonomy - Popular Culture Promotes the Police State

The New World Order, designed around a functional police state that is encouraged by continuous popular cultural messages, is apparent to even the most avid establishment apologist. Liberty and freedom, hardly ever mentioned in a positive light by the mass media, is a direct threat to the ruling class. The proliferation of degenerate behavior is lauded so that those who object to such conduct will be demeaned as outcasts of the decadent society. The imposition of a police state is necessary to coerce decent people into forced obedience.

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