BATR Déjà vu

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Déjà vu - View from the Mount - Sedition a Normal Practice for the Authorities

What is sedition? According to the dictionary it is conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state - insurrection; rebellion. On the surface it seems that few higher calls of conduct can be attained by the citizen! Now, some will be put back and say to themselves, what does that statement exactly mean? Well, its simple . . . America was created as a country out of a revolution, remember you history or did you get your education at one of those ‘government schools’? Lest you forget all those stuffy white privileged Founding Fathers, were rebels. They were “enemies of the crown” and if caught would be hung! So is it possible that sedition is a proper and moral action? 

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